Fire Emblem Central

Escape from the Mangs Dungeon (FE8U)

By Ft. Mangs Emblem + PME teams (Posted by Shuusuke)

Posted On: 12/17/2019 11:25:18 PM

Average User Score: (0 reviews total)

View Count: 2208

Download Count: 1

Hack made for Mangss 50k subscriber special, in which the participants (Ghast, Markyjoe, MageKnight404, Lucky Crit, Mekkah and Mina Tangerina) each controlled a character as they tried to escape the dungeon.

Map initially created by me, received later edits. Members of Ft. Mangs Emblem and PME teams worked on this hack: Thel, Djura, Flame, Zorua, FEier, Kirb.

External assets:
Markyjoe portrait by Glaceo
Lucky Crit portrait by Lenh



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